LEBANON, NH 03766      TELEPHONE: 603-448-3429


The American Legion is the largest wartime veterans service organization with 2.4 million members in nearly 14,000 posts in nearly every community in America. Established by an act of Congress in 1919, was instrumental in getting the original GI Bill through Congress and the creation of the Department of Veterans Affairs.  Today, the organization is active throughout the United States, supporting current military personnel and veterans, sponsoring American Legion Baseball, Boys State, Oratorical Contests and other activities for youth, and pushing for the adoption of a constitutional amendment to prohibit desecration of the U.S. flag.
The Legion Act (S.504)

was introduced on 02/14/2019 by Senator Kysten Sinema [D-AZ].
The Senate passed it on 06/11/2019 and introduced to the House on 06/11/2019 whereas the House passed it on 07/23/2019. It was signed by the President and became Public Law No: 116-35, Legion Act on 07/30/2019.
With the signing of the “Legion Act”, we have opened up opportunities for membership. Anyone who has served one day on active duty and has an “Honorable Discharge” are eligible to join The American Legion, Auxiliary and SAL, thanks to the hard work of National, the Senate and House. You still need to show proof of service. So if you know someone who served and was not eligible before, he/she may now be eligible. Membership is what drives us. So look out.

-- Eligibility criteria --

April 6, 1917 - November 11, 1918
December 7, 1941 to a time to be determined in the future.

Why Join The Legion?

Wartime veterans supporting our communities and making a difference. Your membership is vital to the mission of supporting veterans services, lobbying efforts and outreach to our local communities. With membership, you will be eligible for exclusive member discounts and enjoy our various programs and activities. Join today and you will receive 12 months of American Legion magazine for free!
Learn More

Regular Member $35.00 per year